Considering Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing?
Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing can be a confusing term. What is fractional laser skin resurfacing and why might it be something for you to consider for rejuvenating your skin?
Fractional laser resurfacing is recent laser technology, performed in the office that rejuvenates the skin and offers minimal recovery time with a low risk of complications. It is considered to be fractional because it is able to treat very specific areas of the skin while sparing others, resulting in smoother, refreshed skin.
Some laser skin treatments are ablative and others, like our ICON IPL laser, are non-ablative. What is the difference? Lasers operate with various wavelengths for different results and outcomes. Ablative lasers target the outer skin layers and mid-level skin layers. By targeting and resurfacing these areas (the dermis and epidermis) the lasers are said to be ablative. The most common ablative lasers are erbium with wavelengths of 2940 nm and the carbon dioxide with 10,600 nm. Healing time with ablative lasers is typically in the range of 7-10 days with redness of the skin for several weeks.
Non-ablative lasers specifically target the epidermis and dermis, while leaving the outermost epidermal layer intact. Most non-ablative lasers deliver wavelength energy of around 1,300 to 1,600 nm. Healing time with the Icon non-ablative fractional laser is typically a day or two with zero to no downtime.
Our ICON IPL fractional laser can be used to treat hyperpigmentation, stretch-marks, diminish acne scarring, surgical scars, red and brown discoloration, and improve fine lines and wrinkles. Typically more than one session is required to achieve optimal results depending upon the area being treated and skin condition.
Patients often consider our fractional laser resurfacing before or after a facelift, or in combination with other non-surgical procedures such as Ultherapy, Exilis Elite, or SkinPen in order to maximize their result.
If you would like to find out more about fractional laser resurfacing, please call Dr. Ringler today for more information or to schedule a private consultation