French Women Do Get Facelifts
There is a new book out by Mireille Guiliano called, French Women Don’t Get Facelifts; The Secret of Aging with Style and Attitude. While no one will deny that aging gracefully and with a good attitude and great style is desirable, the fact is, French women do get facelifts. While they may be less open about the fact than their American counterparts, they do, and have been, getting facelifts along with many other types of plastic surgery for decades.
I have been practicing plastic surgery for over thirty years, and one of my areas of specialization is plastic surgery of the face. Often the main concerns I hear from men and women who consult with me about facial rejuvenation is that they don’t want to look too tight, pulled or unnatural. The sad truth about facial surgery, is that those we notice the most, are the ones that do not look natural. A good facelift, which is often combined with fat injections, a blepharoplasty or neck lift, is rarely immediately noticed by others. It offers a soft, natural looking rejuvenation – like you, but about 10 years younger.
Most of the men and women I see today for facial rejuvenation take great care of themselves, have great attitude and style, and they want their facial features to match the way they feel on the inside. The most important element in achieving your goals for facial rejuvenation is the selection of your plastic surgeon. Unlike a bad haircut, a bad result with a facelift can be difficult and at times impossible to repair. Achieving beautiful, natural results is a goal I’ve been helping American (and yes, some French) women and men achieve for many years.
If you are interested in learning more about facelifts or facial rejuvenation, please contact Dr. Steven Ringler for more information or to make an appointment for a private consultation.