Grand Rapids Liposuction
While liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a weight loss solution, it is a valuable tool for improving specific trouble areas of the body which have stubborn fatty deposits. Liposuction in Michigan is ideal for people who are healthy, and basically in good shape, but are struggling with a specific area of their body which, for whatever reason, has been resistant to change through diet and exercise alone. Often a liposuction procedure may be done in conjunction with other body contouring procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation and facial surgery.
Dr. Ringler offers various types of liposuction and body contouring options. SmartLipo Triplex, Body-Jet, and the standard tumescent liposuction technique. CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is another body contouring option that is totally non-invasive and is performed in one hour in the office. Results will not be as dramatic as with liposuction. Based on your body and specific goals, Dr. Ringler can help determine which technique may be right for you and your body. With all liposuction procedures, there is a limit to how much fat can safely be removed at one time. It is important when considering Liposuction to have realistic expectations. If you would like to find out more information about body contouring, contact our office to schedule your private, complimentary consultation with Dr. Ringler.