Kate Middleton’s Nose
For those going into a plastic surgery office seeking Kate Middleton’s perfect nose, there is some disappointing news. Even if a plastic surgeon were able to sculpt Kate Middleton’s nose on your face, he or she would be doing you a huge disservice. Why? Because, every other aspect of your face is unique to you. Her nose on your face is not going to look “perfect” unless you share a similar facial structure and features.
Those who seek a rhinoplasty, or nose job, typically have concerns about the size of the nose being too big or disproportionate to the rest of the face, a deviated septum, which causes difficulty with breathing, or a bump in the nose or drooping. Many things about a nose can be changed to make it more aesthetically appealing and balanced for your own features.
If you love Kate Middleton’s nose and are considering a rhinoplasty to get one, I recommend seeking out a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty surgery. Have an open discussion about what you like and don’t like about your current nose or facial structure. A good plastic surgeon will be able to tell you if your goals are realistic for your nose and overall facial balance.
Tell him specifically what it is you like about Kate Middleton’s nose (or Jennifer Aniston’s for that matter). Patients who come into our office for a rhinoplasty are often surprised to find out that other areas of their face, such as an under developed chin or cheeks that have lost volume can all contribute to overall dissatisfaction with the nose. Additionally, as we age, our noses can become droopy and often just a small tip adjustment can make a huge difference.
Remember, when you are looking at Kate Middleton’s nose, you are looking at the whole person. It is probably best to find the perfect nose designed just for you, by taking into account the rest of your facial features as well.
If you are interested in learning more about a Rhinoplasty, please contact Dr. Steven Ringler for more information or a complimentary consultation.