The Buzz on Belotero
Have you heard about Belotero, the latest entry into the facial fillers line-up? It can get confusing with all the players in the hyaluronic acid fillers field, so we thought we might help clear up some of the confusion.
Much like Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane, Belotero is hyaluronic acid dermal filler for the superficial lines and moderate to severe wrinkles on the face and is designed to add subtle volume and plumpness to facial tissue. This hyaluronic acid-based gel offers natural looking results with little recovery time. Since the gel is softer than most other products on the market, it integrates into facial skin more easily and adapts to facial contours. Of the patients who have been treated with Belotero, many have stated that they see immediate results with reduction of wrinkles but the results are more natural and subtle when compared with other HA fillers.
Belotero, developed by Merz Aesthetics, has been in use in Europe for several years and has been recently approved by the FDA for cosmetic use in the United States. The side effects have been the typical ones for facial fillers; some temporary bruising, redness or swelling for certain patients.
Belotero vs Juvederm
As we see it, the main difference between Belotero and some of the other HA fillers, is that it is designed to treat superficial facial lines and moderate to severe wrinkles that are closer to the surface of the skin. At times, in inexperienced hands, facial fillers such as Juvederm leave a bluish hue under the skin called the Tyndall Effect, when it is injected too superficially, particularly under the eyes.
Another benefit of Belotero is that it claims to last longer than other HA fillers, which claim to last up to 12 months. This is rare as most people see results for about 3-6 months following treatment with typical HA products. Merz claims that Belotero lasts on the average of 12 months compared to 6-8 for Juvederm. We’ll have to wait and see on this one.
Belotero may find a special niche in the dermal facial filler industry by allowing physicians to treat superficial fine lines without the worry about the Tyndall Effect. The natural ability of the product to be absorbed into the skin will make it useful for treatments ranging from lines around the mouth, under the eyes where skin is the thinnest, and for the lines between the eyes.
To find out more about Belotero vs Juvederm, contact the Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery today.